Prayer Requests
Westside's Prayer Team is committed to praying for you, your friends and your family. Please fill out a Prayer Request form to let us know your prayer needs.
Text your prayers to 855.674.0709
Prayer Room
Prayer Partners are available every service, every Sunday. Our Prayer Partners are committed to listening to and praying for anyone desiring prayer. They are also equipped to provide information about our Care resources and available to help with next steps at Westside. You are invited to connect with them in the Prayer Room at Lenexa, or a staff/deacon at Speedway or through the Prayer Request button above.
Westside’s monthly 45-minute prayer gatherings follow the bible’s teaching on prayer, utilize Jesus’ model for God-honoring prayer, and enlist a variety of prayer topics and methods to encourage a more fruitful prayer life. Everyone is welcome to participate in Westside’s 1st Wednesday Prayer Gatherings to learn more about connecting with God through a deeper prayer life.
1st Wednesday Prayer Gatherings
Intercessory Prayer Group
Our Westside Intercessory Prayer Team faithfully prays on behalf of our families, church, and communities. Our intercessors pray daily, and meet to pray together on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.