Where Do Jews Stand With God? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

Where Do Jews Stand With God? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee
Randy Frazee

The end destination of the Romans Road is a whole new world. (Revelation 21-22) 

We will all get our bags checked at customs at the entrance of the new world to make sure that we aren’t bringing anything in that will be harmful to this new community. (Romans 2:16) 

We need to deal with what is in our bags before we get to the checkpoint.  

Religious insider’s bags won’t pass inspection either. (Romans 2:1-3) 

The volume of sin in the bag is not the issue. Just a little contamination let into a pure country will eventually grow and destroy it.  

No one can clean out their bags by trying to be good. (Romans 3:9-10, 20) 

Repentance is admitting you are going in the wrong direction and doing a U-Turn. (Romans 2:5) 


Going Deeper Questions:

  1. Tell your story growing up. Did you grow up in a religious home? 

  2. What do you think Paul means when he writes, “For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” (Romans 2:13) 

  3. How do you feel about Paul’s declaration in Romans 3:10 that there is not even one righteous person? 

  4. In the Bible there are two words for “repentance”. One means, “I’m sorry”, the other means doing an “about face”. Paul uses the later word here in Romans 2:5. What is the difference? 


Where Do We All Stand With God? | The Romans Road | Jason Morris


Where Do Gentiles Stand with God? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee