What is My New Purpose? Part 1 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

What is My New Purpose? Part 1 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee
Randy Frazee

Mile Marker #4 – What is my new purpose?  (12:1) 

  • In view of God’s mercy, we offer all we are to God as a living sacrifice 

  • Our first new purpose begins with God; get this right, and everything else falls in place 

 “…our feet will walk in his paths, our lips will speak the truth and spread the gospel, our tongues will bring healing, our hands will lift up those who have fallen, and perform many mundane tasks as well like cooking and cleaning, typing and mending; our arms will embrace the lonely and the unloved, our ears will listen to the cries of the distressed, and our eyes will look humbly and patiently towards God.” 

John Stott

How do we pull this off? (12:2) 

  • Don’t Conform – Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold 

  • Be Transformed – Saturate your mind in God’s Word to discover and align your life to God’s will.  

Going Deeper: 

  1. In Romans 12:1 Paul is going to invite us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God in view of his mercy towards us. Paul is looking back over chapters 1-11 and what God has done to bring us into a relationship with him filled with eternal hope. Share how God has been merciful to you or your family? 

  2. Practically speaking, what does it mean to be a living sacrifice? Give some examples.  

  3. We think of worship as singing songs. At the end of Romans 12:1 Paul calls being a living sacrifice true and pure worship. How does this change your concept of worship? 

  4. Romans 12:2 warns us not to be conformed to the world. What are some practical things one can do to keep this from happening? 

  5. Romans 12:2 invites us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. What works best for you to keep you focused on God’s truths and plan for your life? 


What is My New Purpose? Part 2 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee


How Do I Grow? Part 3 | The Romans Road | Caleb Kaltenbach