What is My New Purpose? Part 2 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

What is My New Purpose? Part 2 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee
Randy Frazee

Mile Marker #4 – What is my new purpose? 

Our first new purpose begins with God; get this right, and everything else falls into place. (12:1-2) 

Self-Management #1 – Don’t think too highly or lowly of yourself (12:3a) 



  • Our worth does not come from our performance but our position. 

  • Our worth does not come from what we do, but who we know. 

  • Biblical humility is not someone with low self-esteem, but someone with a strong self-esteem that comes from their position in Christ.  


Self-Management #2 – Have an accurate assessment of how God wired you. (12:3b) 

Where are you at on the Capacity/Risk Meter?

Low Capacity……………………………………………High Capacity 

Low Risk…………………………………………………High Risk 


Self-Management #3 – Know and use the spiritual gifts God has given you in harmony and with respect to your brothers and sisters in Christ. (12:4-8) 

ID the top two gifts you believe God has given you 

  • Prophesying (insights into what God’s Word has to say about contemporary times) 

  • Serving (someone else can lead, I just want to help) 

  • Teaching (helping people understand & apply principles to their lives) 

  • Encouraging (gifted at giving people a positive boost)

  • Giving (using what God has given me to help others) 

  • Leading (running point on managing people or projects) 

  • Showing Mercy (helping people who are hurting without judgment) 

Going Deeper:

  1. On Self-Management #1, where did you plot yourself on the graph of “thinking too lowly or too highly of yourself”? Why did your place yourself at this point? What do you think needs to happen to get yourself where God wants you to be? 

  2. On Self-Management #2, where did your plot yourself on the capacity/risk meter? Are you content with where you are at or dissatisfied?  

  3. On the list of spiritual gifts in Self-Management #3, a fun exercise might be for each of you to guess what you think is the top spiritual gift of the other members of your group and why. Once you have done that, have each member share what they chose for themselves.  


What is My New Purpose? Part 3 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee


What is My New Purpose? Part 1 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee