What is My New Purpose? Part 3 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

What is My New Purpose? Part 3 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee
Randy Frazee

Mile-Marker #4: What is my new purpose?  

The Old Way to Manage my Life (1-5) 

The New Way to Manage my Life (12-16) 

God’s principles in managing my relationships (Romans 12:9-21; 13:8-14) 

  • Paul lays out 22 ways we are to relate to other people. (12:9-21) 

  • Grand Summary: Love your neighbor as yourself (13:8-10) 


The imminent return of Jesus should motivate us into action. (13:11-14) 


Going Deeper Questions:

  1. Of the 22 ways Paul lays out for us to relate to other people, which one has ministered to you the most? Do you have a story when someone loved you in this way? 

  2. Of the 22 ways Paul lays out for us to relate to other people, which one is the hardest for you to apply? Why?  

  3. Discuss with your group what are tangible things you can do to help during the Coronavirus pandemic.   


What is My New Purpose? Part 4 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee


What is My New Purpose? Part 2 | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee